Thursday, July 28, 2016


TRUMP 'S PEOPLE ARE PROBLEMS The Donald Trump dilemma is that he is all racist Americans' salvific angel. He has not mentioned blacks, per se. That is no reason for comfort for us blacks. Neither did the "Slaughter House Cases" mention blacks. But, that first case to construe the new Fourteenth Amendment, although factually involving a dispute about sites where butchering animals could be done--at designated sites owned and taxed by the government, or at private sites as before--was later construed against blacks exclusively. Donald Trump 's supporters are the descendants of demagogues that escaped treason trials , after the Civil War, or any sanctions whatsoever. These are those who burned, killed, raped, stole, lied, cheated, swindled with legal immunity, and impunity, from blacks with the law doing zero! They are bold. He is bold but no fool. George Wallace lost by being openly racist, while Richard Nixon, & other GOP candidates hid such unseemly sentiments! Nixon had learned from Goldwater's defeat how to modulate. Trump is symbolic of the racist angst whose objects are non-WASP (white Anglo -Saxon Protestant), i.e., you! The Obama Presidency is that sphere about which they orbit for torque and for speed onwards toward election! Demographically Trump cannot win, absent cheating and voter fraud and intimidation. No problem, they did it before in 2000, in Florida. They can do it again. If Trump wins, he may well transform into a "Fuhrer"-type , rather than be subject to checks and balances. The Senate has refused to conduct hearings for a new Supreme Court nominee. Anarchy is here now ! I make no predictions. But Trump 's people are the problem . He is a vain opportunistic business man who has wrecked the GOP and might yet win! As long as the white man wins office again, Trump's troops may be happy. But, if not, who knows what evil woes abide within his implacable people?