Monday, July 7, 2014


HOW TRAGIC, considering that Muslims invented algebra, chemistry, trigonometry, introduced the Hindu-Arabic numerals and zero to Fibonacci of Pisa, who introduced them to Italy in 1202 in his masterpiece, LIBER ABACI, replacing Roman numerals. These same Muslims preserved the Greek classics in Arabic, through which means Europe was pulled from 1,000 years of 'Dark Ages,' into its Renaissance. The Muslims also settled in Spain for over 700 years where their foods, agriculture, wine, art and architecture still reflect the Moorish forebears, from whose west African contacts an Italian adventurer learned of lands beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," the Americas. So, it is tragic that learned Muslims remain silent and inactive while their uncouth brethren run amok, debasing this awesome history and heritage by their terrorist acts, and shameful kidnapping and oppression of women, and the propagation of mayhem and backwardness.