Saturday, December 7, 2013


Black people in America often complain that whites who own mass media properties or the like "did not tell us" something about our own history or achievements; or that the powers that run the educational system "did not teach us" something; or that whites tried to "hide something from us." This is dependent-thinking, "child-like."--to paraphrase Carter G. Woodson and Malcolm X. White people in control owe a duty to themselves--solely--to maintain control; that means keeping us, and others, under their control, by every means necessary. Thus, empowering us in spirit or in truth is against their own self-interests. Fools these people are not. We are the fools to think they could ever do or be otherwise, as matters now stand. As used in the previous sentences, "they" means "principalities or rulers in high places." Start or step-up your reading, teaching, studying, building, saving, sharing, buying, and spending among yourselves; then, watch what happens. Those same whites who now "withhold" from you, will bring your heart's desire to you! Try it. Your own efforts' self-magnetism will draw them unto you!