Monday, March 18, 2013


President Barack Obama is at a cross-roads in an enviable and epochal political career. His stupendous election blew my mind on many levels; as did he personally, his family, his books, his academic and his family history. He and it have rocked the world, for ages to come. His presidency has elevated America from merely world emperor to world god. Demonstrating that in a democracy, tainted by scandal, corruption, discrimination and racism, electoral politics can work, notwithstanding entrenched interests and entrenched money. Having said all of that, his true litmus test must remain what he does for, and specifically for, "the least of these," those he ministered to as an idealistic, young community organizer on Chicago's Southside. Those, whom his former Pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, preached about every Sunday during his 20 year membership, described by Jesus in Matthew 25, at the Trinity United Church of Christ. Those await his ministrations, his ablutions. Those. "As you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me." Those whom he left to attend Harvard Law School. Those for whom he campaigned for political office, repeatedly. Those whom he claims to love and to represent in his executive decisions and legislative proposals. Those. They are still there: waiting hoping watching as are we.