Saturday, March 16, 2013


The NAACP'S idea of racial remediation was replacing compulsory segregation with compulsory integration, in the public schools. But, they went far beyond merely remedying physical inequalities caused in most black schools by "Jim Crow" racism. They pursued the belief that anything that is all-black is "inherently inferior," as the axis of their litigation strategy. The Supreme Court agreed with the NAACP in Brown v. Board, et. al., and yet continues in quest of a remedy, beyond equalizing the money-- according blacks' their tax dollars No money. Sadly, the NAACP still pursues that self-loathing belief. They have relentlessly pursued this stratagem, heedless of its destructive consequences on black students, families, teachers, businesses, communities, jobs. Much of the destruction that we now decry, must be lain at NAACP'S dirty feet and their wanton integration strategy, which also sullied the names of such their "enemies" like Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey. Many will not understand this assertion. So be it. History speaks for itself.