Friday, February 15, 2013


by Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman

A number of very well-meaning persons have recommended that I publish my writings in book form. I take the view that it is better that a writer be read than published.

All kinds of books sit on library shelves for years in between check-outs. Far more sit unread at home on book shelves, or, worse yet, in boxes, still unread. To reiterate, a writer's greatest desire is to be read. Few, indeed, are they who can hope to earn a living as professional authors these days, when book stores are closing!

As for publication, I do that daily on Facebook, Email and my blog, "Cast thy bread upon the waters, and after many days you shall find it." Eccl. 11:1

I am alive. I enrich the cosmos with seed that I am freely given, which is, miraculously, replaced like the meal in the bottom of the widow's barrel, daily. All of my needs are met. I still have joy!

But, your publication suggestion is appreciated, nonetheless! Indeed, I thank you for it and I am honored by the suggestion!

Of course, I am self-published, already. My novelette, THE COLORED GREEN TREE, is available at in book form and on Kindle. That must suffice until my change comes! God bless!