Thursday, February 7, 2013


Blacks and "liberals" who loudly and consistently oppose President Barack Obama as being "anti-black and anti-poor" in his policies might benefit by reading his two autobiographies: DREAMS OF MY FATHER and THE AUDACITY OF HOPE. Therein, they might find that this graduate of Columbia University, with a degree in political philosophy, spurned other more lucrative opportunities to become a "community organizer" on Chicago's notorious Southside, among an abundance of black and poor people, where he searched for solutions to their socially intractable difficulties. These captious critics might also discover that his mother--Ann Dunham--a white native of Kansas, used to awaken him at 4:00 a.m. to teach him lessons in black history, literature, and culture from books,records, and tapes preparing him, steeling him, for life as a black man that mainland American prejudices would indelibly and brutally impress upon him, after he left Hawaii's racial nirvana. (All mothers could profitably benefit from this single mother's sterling pedagogical example along with their children!) Finally, these talking-head and do-nothing bodies, might learn that in making President Obama out to be the "bogeyman" to their constituencies that they have thereby created that "dynamic tension," cited by Dr. Martin Luther King; that political polarity, which facilitates aerodynamic lift, and political lift, in the broader American public who believe the bogeyman is black, anyway! So, in seeking to harm Obama these Republican shills--disguised as "conscious" persons-- actually help Obama secure his legacy!