Friday, January 25, 2013


With respect to Bill Cosby's wards, I am one of them! He paid my tuition at Howard University from the second semester of my freshman year, until the second semester of my junior year, based on my grade point average, and my pursuit of an African American studies major. When I switched to print journalism, I lost the Cosby scholarship. As the oldest of 8 children by Mississippi-born parents who did not finish high school, but who raised us to love education and in church, such financial assistance was indispensable! Through the years, I have repeatedly tried to thank Bill Cosby, but he has rebuffed all such attempts through his agents or staff. He does not even know my name or my gratitude or the profound influence, through me, that he has had upon others. In my estimation, that humble, kindly man is a saint! So, yes, he is fully qualified to speak, loudly and strongly about underachieving blacks who don't give a damn, and who do not try! Poverty is no obstacle!