Thursday, June 18, 2020


COVID19 COSMOLOGY Is Covid19 a caul? An energy field? Is it even matter? We apprehend its presence and its effects seemingly; but we do not know what it is, where it’s from, why it is . Whatever it is, whatever its consistency may ultimately prove to be, if Covid19 has an identifiable consistency, it has certainly unquestionably bewildered, bewitched, bedeviled , all of mankind since at least January 2020: medically, scientifically , politically, financially, commercially, culturally, theologically, educationally. The only discipline that seems to have escaped the social ravages of Covid19 is philosophy. Philosophy subsumes the study of cosmology, which is the study of existence: intuitively , astronomically, and allegorically. This necessarily means God. Phantasmagoric as Covid19 may be, it is still not more phantasmagorical than we. We literally cannot see the forest for the trees. We dance all around the obvious. Nothing has ever swallowed the earth up whole, at once, not even day and night. Not even an eclipse: lunar or solar. That says that whatever else Covid19 may be, it originates far beyond our solar system . I invite fellow cosmologists to come forth to help us reconcile this interstellar gift with its interstellar counterpart, mankind! Amen.