Tuesday, May 5, 2020


THE LIFE OF A SEED We come. We go. Seeds come. Seeds go. Seeds’ death is life. Mankind’s death renews life . For in life’s divine domain we all grow, together with seeds, from seeds , as seeds, whose destinies all fruit fortuitously. Seeds’ husks tell laymen little. Neither do seeds’ kernels. For each seed’s destination is preset before it is ever born a seed. Environments open up seeds or preserve or destroy them. Our philosophical, biological appreciation of seeds yields an appreciation of our births . Like seeds’ mankind’s specie is fungible but preset singly. All are one yet all are unique . Sowers must know their seeds. Shapes colors textures tell a sower the type of seed but not the seeds’ destiny. That is preset like ours . Where it lands, how it is laved, how long it bathes, in sunlight all contribute. But soil, water, light sowing are not the whole story. Life gravitates to life. Insects, animals, birds, plants, winds, heat eat seeds before growth. Seed may not get enough air being too tightly packed into too small space. So below the soil tops, seeds’ roots’ search for nutrition is foiled handicapped . Above soil tops, young leaves tussle, struggle for air, for room to breathe, to flex, and to grow up vigorously with a fair share of life-giving light. Exposure to light is not necessarily the true receipt of light. There are clouds , dusts, haze, pollution blocking sunlight. Mankind is subject to similar vagaries to that of seeds. We come. We go. We leave our residue or we do not . The ‘former’, the farmer, the molder, maker, the Creator all decide the destiny of mankind, and of us seeds, generally, and particularly. Amen.