Tuesday, March 17, 2020


THIS IS WORST THAN SCARY This is worst than a scary movie. This global lockdown. I have never been a fan of scary movies, horror movies; nor the “Twilight Zone.” With the very real Coronavirus Covid-19 pall overspreading the earth from a viral virus outbreak, from a script that no one knows, in a script none can read ; for a purpose that none can discern, this is a divine wake up call; a dreaded “fireball in the night” of our confusion. Were there any doubt, before, certainly there can be no doubt now that forces beyond our ken are very much acting in the goriest horror movie ever. Why? Because our earthly extinction as a civilization is raised up as a vision, viral specter, before our eyes, as we watch! Scared to death ! Buying toilet paper by the boatload . Social distancing! Shutting down gatherings over 15 people! Hunkering at home; hoping, praying, as we search the scriptures for the meaning.