Tuesday, October 15, 2019


No condemnation. I have no condemnation because Christopher Columbus “discovered” or rediscovered America for foreign habitation and colonization. This “new world “ produced “new creatures,” African Americans, especially, who gave the world a “new negro.” The “new negro” was celebrated in a 1925 Dr. Alain Locke’s literary masterpiece that too few “negroes” in 2019 have ever heard of, read of, or read . Please read it soon! This “new negro,” our forbears, was the byproduct of an amazing array of cultural of diversity among Africans and others, who literally survived hell, the burning fires, to produce babies (us) riches, philosophy , music, arts, crafts , inventions, literature, in short, that for which America is now known. Their descendants—you and me—gave the world glories and wonders—and yet does so—in innumerable fields. We are ahead of Africans (they now willingly migrate here), Europeans (they migrated by millions here); and all the rest of the world of us and , because of Columbus’ serendipity. Hope now you better understand why not only do I —personally, not representatively—not blame Columbus, nor the Spanish, French, English, Dutch , Portuguese enslavers-colonizers. Nor do I condemn the African tribes and chiefs who captured us and sold us; nor do I condemn the “whites” who exploited us cruelly in America. The will of God has scattered and peeled us to enrich us and earth ! All of the horrible “wrongs” done to us were due to the will of God who rules and super-rules over all things, and space and time according to God’s (or Gods’) riches in glory and divine will.