Saturday, June 8, 2019


DETACHED BEINGS Detached are we spiritually from material existence. We are spiritual beings. We have built our nests on earth, as do bees, wasps, birds. At any given moment, certain people may detach themselves from their material world. Some may opt for suicide. Others may strike out to prospect for gold in California or Venezuela or Africa. Others may abandon hearth, home, husband/wife, children to migrate. Nothing binds us here on earth but our love for a commingling of both, our spiritual selves, with materials. Imagination of man is weightless, mysterious, instantaneous. It is also otherworldly in its essence: atomic, genomics, photonics, astronomic. Dyad we are. Double . Dual-Dwat. We hyphenate. We demarcate. We celebrate our God, until we return. Detached we are. Detached we seem to be to ourselves from it all, till we stop to consider the duties, the dependencies that rely on our adept, industrious, creative, loving negotiation of this physical realm. Amen.