Sunday, November 4, 2018


FIAT TIME AND FIAT MONEY? Time is attuned to the sun, except when time is defined by mankind. In America , our time rolled back by one hour, by law, today, November 4, 2018. A type of temporal vertigo visits some of us by reason of time being changed by the government. For others of us, change is not felt . Yet, time is the basis of life itself. Our hearts beat in time . We eat , sleep, arise, work in time; pulses beat in time; we are aligned in time. We are born in time. We walk, we talk, sexually mature , mate, and, in the end, die in time. Time defines, differentiates, demarcates, all life. Being out of sync with natural time does not seem to have had any ill effects upon us, yet. We fumble a few engagements by one hour and we blame it on our change of time. Time changes twice a year from so-called standard time to daylight savings time . Is either time really real? Or, are both American times contrived? Do we live in fiat time ? Outside of true, diurnal time ? Do we really know what time is true? If time is fiat is our currency fiat? The dollar is the world's standard. Dollars are the "lingua franca" of domestic and of international trade, commerce in America, world wide. If time is manipulated is the dollar? Once, exchanges were in tangibles, this for that, some these for those ; then, came specie: gold and silver specie, ("don't take no wooden nickels"); then, just paper money, dollars; then, notes, bills, credits; then just "full faith and credit" of the United States in God we trust! We have both fiat time and dollars! This may not be a revelation to all, but it is sobering to me, a votary of nature and of natural philosophy in all of its manifold varieties or forms.