Tuesday, July 24, 2018


THANK YOU MISS LYDIA BROOKS Our outstanding 5th and 6th grade school teacher, Miss Lydia Brooks, had once told me that although my answer to her question was indeed correct, it is good to know the rule to understand why my answer was correct. She had asked me about a comma's placement in a sentence . I had answered her, based on my innate intuitive rhythms, not upon grammatical rules of English class. I thought of her again today, when reviewing "Euclid's Elements" Book 6, Proposition 27. That particular proposition had totally stumped, flipped me over, yesterday, due to its reliance upon Euclid's earlier rules of geometry already covered, applied by me, and as easily forgotten! So, I went back to the rules that Euclid had cited and relied upon in construction of #6, 27. And voila! Understanding ensued to me anew! Thanks again Miss Lydia Brooks, of now-defunct James Milton Turner Elementary School, Meacham Park, Missouri, Kirkwood School District! https://mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/elements/bookVI/propVI27.html