Tuesday, May 1, 2018


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Meadows_MassacreIn the "Appendix" of ROUGHING IT by Mark Twain, I read about this infamous raid of 1857 on white emigrants from Arkansas heading to California, who were massacred by Mormons. Mormons at first attacked the rich wagon train for "spoils" disguised as Indians. The battle lasted 5 days, when the Mormons withdrew, abandoned the garb of Indians; returned as white men "negotiators." By craft and flag of true, they marched the emigrants under their protection, without their guns , about a mile from their abandoned camp in ranks: men in the back, then women, then kids . The Mormon imposters then slaughtered all of the adults and left no child over 7 alive. I was surprised to not know of this event in American history, so I looked it up online. This Wikipedia article corroborates.