Saturday, June 24, 2017


MCCONNELL DEPLORABLE, BUT... In retrospect, I must concede a grudging admiration for Senator Mitchell McConnell (R-Ky). He displayed keen political sagacity in relentlessly blocking President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee for almost a year, pending the outcome of the general Presidential election in 2016. His party won. That Supreme Court seat was filled by a 10th Circuit "conservative." So also will be dozens of federal court seats. One almost wonders if the Senate leader, whose own well-known "conservative" (Confederate) bonafides are beyond cavil, was somehow privy to advance gifts of prophesy? I am no fan of either President Donald Trump nor of Mitch McConnell. But I have to give him credit for the sheer ghastly venery of preserving late-Antonin Scalia's seat for another such "conservative, given all of the variables, like McConnell's own reelection. It was praiseworthy, even if it was also deplorable!