Saturday, April 1, 2017


JESUS NATURAL PHILOSOPHER Jesus was a natural philosopher. He taught nature philosophy. He invariably used examples of plant, animal, insect life to explain human life; he used wind, waters , light to teach aspects of human behavior. His resurrection replicates that of certain other forms of life which do similarly, after "death" has ceased all outward appearances of living. Men, women, religions, nations, yet ask of him, over two thousand years after his physical "death" by crucifixion on the cross of Golgotha hill, "What manner of man is this? Even the wind and waves obey him." Matt. 8:27. His religion was natural, nature itself, not casuistry . Casuistry being the methodology of reasoning employed by priests and literate men of his/this day to teach. Casuistry is the use of clever unsound reasoning in relation to moral issues. Jesus kept it simple. He made it plain. Not gut punching. But, Soul searching. Mind bending. Heart rending nature philosophy. The foregoing are excrescences of the most powerful force in nature: the Holy Ghost. I say no more, nor less, than I am led to say by spirit . If I err, I err to my own fault not that of another. Jesus rejected "master" as fitting nomenclature for himself. Jesus acknowledged but one as his "master," God, maker of heaven and earth. Afterward, men made Jesus master, co-regent with God, for their own purposes, powers, privileges, exaltation. Jesus had spoken of this too. He had said that men would "take it by force" like "ravening wolves" the kingdom of God as they had done since the days of John the Baptist. Matt. 11:12. "Ravening wolves " Matt. 7:15, are priestly wolves in sheep's clothing, who pretend to be what they are not, being false prophets like the big bad wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood." These come to consume. Do not believe me. Seek to know the true nature of mankind, nature and God for yourself. For me, Jesus was a natural philosopher of God.