Tuesday, February 14, 2017


MATRIX OPENERS ARE "LEAD DOGS"! First born of every womb is God's. http://biblehub.com/exodus/34-19.htm As a matrix opener, I joy in being able to look back upon my more youthful siblings with fondness and delightful memories with fun-filled laughter, challenges, meals, travel, homes, games, stories, fights, love. Nothing like being the "lead dog," as daddy once called me, the one who set the standard, example, set the dinner table, too! Being it also includes washing dishes, windows, cars, clothes, and the boys, too! There was not always the mystique associated with being the first-born as is generally assumed. A lot of it was work, too! And teaching. But superior knowledge from sheer existence has its advantages. I do not begrudge my seniority; few eldest would cede their position to juniors. Even after I met several of my father's elder children, I was still, as ever, Mama's matrix opener. "Lead dogs" sound off !