Wednesday, September 21, 2016


"Shot in the back" by police is still "justified," in the law, if the cop "feared for his life," says the U.S Supreme Court, with Scalia, Thomas and the rest in tow. Now, you see why the Senate refuses to conduct hearings to replace Scalia on the Court. That "fear" need not be reasonable in the public view. The test is not objective, but subjective, from the point of view of an officer on the scene at the time, of the shooting, not in the opinion of an expert, nor another cop who was not at the scene at the time! So even a 13-year old boy running away from the cops with a bb-gun, may justifiably be killed, shot in the back, 3 times, by American cops, under the law, and get paid vacation, while the public charade of an "investigation"--or possible Department of Justice involvement--is the palliative given to the public, until they forget, or move on to the next police shooting of other unarmed black men and boys--black people of any gender. This decision was instated in the 1980s by Rehnquist's Court.