Tuesday, March 22, 2016


CHILD TRAINING & BALANCING Children represent another chance for parents or grandparents, even great -grandparents, to achieve a dream, goal or ambition that they failed to realize as fully as hoped. Offspring then are our hopes , our second chances, new opportunity. At the same time, each child has hopes, dreams, ambitions of its own that it may wish to pursue, regardless of whatever its parents or progenitors may pray it pursues. Balancing the hopes of the parents with that of the child is precarious, requiring confidence and peaceful persistence. Too much of a push is just as ineffectual as too little of it. Such parental deftness is aided by their didactic memories of the way they were "trained"; how they were "raised,"as children, especially how they too resisted and struggled to come into their own, to become. No longer, in our culture, are the children's prospects limited by or defined by their parents', as before. In this there is both clarity and uncertainty. One need not be a farmer or baker of lawyer or actor simply because your parents were. "Train up in child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This assimilated wisdom found in Proverbs 22:6, purifies and purveys proven child "training" findings and insights learned by eons of past progenitors. All would do well to recognize; it gives the right touch. It doesn't preach what but which! Which being "the way he should go." What being a chosen vocation. Values matter more than vocation. The truthful verse imposes a duty of training upon the parents. At the same time it tacitly concedes that youth will drift, and wander, as they too drifted before them. But it also confidently assures us that, in the end, children will fall back upon that which they were taught while young, that which they witnessed while at home, still blithely believing that they knew what was best for themselves, as had their parents and progenitors before them. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Proverbs-22-6/