Tuesday, February 16, 2016


NUMERACY FEARS// WHY IS THAT? Some of us know numbers, most of us run from numbers . Any kind of numbers: Hindu-Arabic, Roman, doesn't matter; they terrify many! Some of us know geometry. Most of us run from geometry. Any kind. Solid , plane, doesn't matter. Why is that? Numbers don't bite. Nor geometry. Yet the majority of us flee or freeze at their sight. Never bothering to go any further than appearances. Why is that! Numbers and forms are natural . Even intuitive. Plants, animals , insects, birds, microbes do them. Babies do them too. Too many adults run. Why is that ! Nature is a number. Our days are numbered. The hairs on our heads are numbered. We are numbered. Yet. We run from ourselves! How anomalous! Better measure up to form amplitudes, magnitudes, plenitudes, if not our numeracy fear will leave us immured in desuetude! Why is that?