Tuesday, October 6, 2015


MAMA AND DADDY Being from the farm, Daddy meant no harm, when he marked and mimicked: The rooster and the hen, the bull and the cow, the boar hog and the sow. It was who he was. It was what he knew. Both he did do, in the manner true. That is why I am now speaking to you about him. Being from the town, Mama knew cap and gown, saying "let these abound!" The pulpit and the pew, the school and its virtue, the worker and his due. It was who she was. It was what she knew. In church, school she pushed us. That, too, is why I am now speakng to you about her. Then, 'farm' met 'town' on a church yard ground. Soon they were up & down: The wedding aisle; the move North from South; the gathering blessed brood. It was who they were. It was what they knew. In us they put all they could do. That, too, is why I am now speaking to you, about them in loving gratitude.