Monday, January 19, 2015


Image from GEORGE SOROS' MONEY I was happy to read that George Soros, billionaire, had spent thirty-three million dollars on the Ferguson movement . Movements roll on money, just like "an army marches on its stomach!" according to Napoleon. I say this for the benefit of the gullible, naive, historically ingenuous among us, who think that movements are fueled by fury and passion. Wrong! The American Revolution had a prime financial backer, another billionaire for his day, named Robert Morris. One of the great challenges of the Civil Rights Movement was funding, as various groups competed for funding. When it dried up, after the apotheosis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968, so did the movement ! That is history. Deal with it! The Koch Brothers billions' continually back favored conservative candidates and causes, through fronts and foundations . We would do well to do likewise or lose! Booker T. Washington's innumerable contributions to our causes, culture, and "uplift" were all supported by his genius and example; and by rich owners of railroads, and industry! Him we, the so-called "educated elite" ignorantly criticized for not being a leftist like Marx or Lenin, who, ironically, had their own rich backers! Critics are our shadows, lacking substance , but stirring fear and dread from the light's reflection off what is real. By their works, or their lack, will you know them. Thank you, Mr. Soros! Beat the bushes and find some billionaires near you, who can help fund the final leg of our long-laboring revolution, wherever that may be !