Thursday, September 18, 2014


THAT 'OTHERNESS' IN US IS SUBLIMINAL GODLINESS IN US Since our conscious perception of something is slower than our innate and subliminal recognition of that same thing--be it sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch--this fact implies and proves that our intuition precedes our cognition and recognition as well, in humans, if not in other forms of life. Thus, when we say that "something told me;" or "if I had listened to, obeyed, or followed, my first mind;." we are not just blithely blathering with no basis in fact or reality. We are sensing, feeling, reacting to, the pulse of the 'other' within us. We, humans, are very "slow" at catching onto things which our minds, indeed our spirits and our souls, have already addressed, processed, and redressed, well in advance of our perceptions of those very things. This slowness is rather like a mother pre-tasting food before feeding it to baby, to assure that it is not too hot. The key is to build up that intuitive musculature within us and to learn to hear, feel, see, taste, and smell all things, contemporaneously, with that spirit or soul within. And learning to trust and to have faith in that 'other' sense, which precedes and protects us, will also guard and strengthen us! If this is sounding or feeling rather sermonic, it must necessarily be so, since we did not make ourselves; but were all made by the will of God. That same God imparted to us spirit, which when combined with flesh, adduces soul. Soul when reconnected to spirit reconnects to its source, its 'otherness', godliness. Science has recently proven the presence and the priority of these unknown and unfelt sense perceptions that we know not of. In doing so, science has also converged with scripture, in this instance, to validate this premise of 'otherness' within us. Scripturally, Apostle Paul counsels us to exercise ourselves unto godliness. That suggests it is attainable now. Being 'partakers of the divine nature' is another way of being one with that 'otherness,' with God. The 8 steps are set forth in 2 Peter 1: 4-10, to wit: Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly love, and charity. That righteous 8-step exercise rewards all who enter into its loving labyrinth; it also, like fusion, generates more energy from us than it requires of us, forever! Happily this truth is now affirmed by both science and scripture.