Saturday, August 30, 2014

ANOTHER ROUND OF ANTIBIOTIC BEER, PLEASE! To heck with lite or 'light' beer, make mine ancient Nubian antibiotic beer, please!


In the past, certain states have bitterly lamented and bewailed their loss of "states' rights," to the federal government, while failing to acknowledge their citizens' loss of their "individual rights" to both forms of government. How curious! Ceded individual rights are the building blocks of both forms of government and of each government's raison d'etre, and revenue base. The people are always primal and primary; a fact often lost on politicians.


Clearly our massive civil rights and black power movements missed many marginal malingerers, among our people, who were as then unmoved, as they are now unmoved; consequently, they are as materially unimproved, now: politically, socially, and economically, as they were in the halcyon days of the '60s. Malingerers imperil each pilgrim's progress in burdening affirmative efforts to advance with false complaints and unproductive, dead weight which exhaust resources, energy, and determination. A malingerer is a parasite. the definition of malingerer Malingerer definition, to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc. See more.

Friday, August 29, 2014


Temple,. University. Masonic Grand Lodge. Laboratory. Observatory, Geometrically-Coded Ideograph, Architectural Marvel of our people, 1500 BC Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt's 18th Dynasty.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


"Some non-evolutionary writers on language, who, as the Egyptian priest said of the Greeks, wear the 'down of juvenility' in their souls, appear to speak as if the origin of language itself depended on 'Grimm's Law.' Indeed, one shallow reviewer of the previous volumes of this work thought it sufficient to condemn them if he put forth the foolish falsehood that the author had expressed contempt for 'Grimm's Law.' Grimm having pointed out a law of diversity which governs the interchange of phonetics his followers have further assumed the non-existence of a law of uniformity in an earlier stratum of language. But words did not have their beginning in any known form of the Aryan languages, and the proto-Aryan is unknown to them, excepting that which has been created by the Evolutionists of the inner consciousness.... "The followers of Grimm have led men to believe that beyond the little Aryan oasis there is a desert world, trackless, chartless, limitless; and none but they could lead in the work of showing the way; towards which they have not as yet advanced a second step. For Grimm's Law has been the obliterator of landmarks throughout the range of the prehistoric past. According to the prevailing delusion and preposterous pretensions of its advocates, it is not only unsound and non-scientific but positively pitiful for anyone to compare the words and myths of two different languages which they have not previously proved to be grammatically allied; this being one of the 'first principles' of 'comparative philology.'... "But is only by the aid of what is designated here as 'comparative typology' that we can reach the stages of languages in which the unity of origin is recoverable. Gesture signs and ideographic symbols alone preserve the early language in visible figures. We are unable to get to the roots of all that has been pictured, printed, or written, except by deciphering the signs that have been made primarily by the early man. The latest forms of these have to be traced back to the first before we can know anything of Origines; these are the true radicals of language, without which the philologist has no final or adequate determinatives, and hitherto these have been left out of the range of discussion by Grimm, Bopp, Pictet, Muller, Fick, Schleicher, Whitney, and the rest of the Aryan school. ... "Wherever ideographic signs of the earliest civilizations can be compared, evidence of the original unity becomes evident, just as we find in gesture language. In fact, the farther we go back the nearer is our approach to some central unity. From circumference to center diversity diminishes and dwindles. Finally the most primitive customs, rites, and ceremonies are the most universal, and these could not have proceeded from the circumference towards a center of unity. The unity was first even as the diversity is final. ... "Here the Egyptian hieroglyphics constitute the connecting link between language in Inner Africa and the Aryan phase or status out of it. The origin of Grimm's law is made manifest in the earliest modes of speech, and the facts are patented, so to say, or stereotyped in the hieroglyphics. These show the Ideographic phase of language which preceded the Alphabetic." P. 241-243, THE NATURAL GENESIS, by Gerald Massey (Black Classic Press, Baltimore: 1883, 1998)

a little and a lot

A little spread abroad over many places is more efficacious than a lot simply concentrated in one spot.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


MISERY LOVES COMPANY: EUCLID'S GEOMETRIC PRINCIPLES AND THEIR ATTENDANT PROOFS Today, while perusing Euclid's ELEMENTS, book 1, proposition 31, I was struck with this insight: "Learning a principle is much easier than demonstrating its proof." This is my second time through these early propositions of Euclid. There are 13 books. There are definitions, common notions, and postulates too. I occasionally read Euclid for understanding, for mental exercise, for biological and historical analogies, and for fun! But, there is not much 'fun' in confusion, only frustration and torment! My deduction above, produced in parentheses about principles and proofs, grew out of my poignant frustration of endeavoring to anticipate Euclid's methods of proof, of his propositions, before reading and studying his methodology, using my own logic and invention. Each time that I have done so, I have been, not only wrong; but worse yet, I have been also totally upended--flummoxed--by his efficiently elegant demonstrations of proof! In doing so, Euclid, like a dutiful old school teacher, utilizes only previous propositions, postulates, or common notions, previously covered in class, to demonstrate, and to prove each proposition with graceful simplicity. He is slowly building his case using what had gone before to prove every accretion of knowledge and nuance. The thought alone is daunting: to prove everything and to build slowly upon appropriate proven precedents. I finally just shook my head and rationalized that Euclid is a "nomme de plume" representing a secret guild of ingenious savants, from ancient Egypt and even more ancient Nubia, going back thousands of years. There, in Africa, Euclid's earliest propositions and proofs have been discovered, found in writing, and are applied in still-extant monuments and megaliths, yet the marvel of the world over 4,000 years later. From the foregoing I have deduced that I am a learner. Others must be demonstrators! I cannot do or be both! So, why am I sharing this with you? Because misery loves company!


Such wonderfully relevant historical scholarship, by high school students, must be replicated nationwide for our racial progress! Pulaski Heights student Zia Tollette placed 13th out of over 120 entries from throughout the U.S. and was named outstanding junior division Arkansas entry for her historical paper entitled "The Effects of Integration on Black Teachers." She conducted oral history interviews, worked with historical documents, and read newspaper sources from the 1960s as part of her research. Tollette was one of three LRSD students, who represented Arkansas at the National History Day competition in College Park, Maryland. Pulaski Heights Middle School students Alex Crawford and Rebecca Kuo also competed in the junior historical paper and junior individual website categories, respectively. Social studies teachers Janet Buford and Jacqueline Hogg mentored the students; they also helped to judge the national competition.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


FISHING AS METAPHOR By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman Tuesday, August 26, 2014 Fishing one Saturday evening on Smithville Lake, north of Kanas City, Missouri, back in the ‘90s, my rental outboard-boat ran out of gas. Having fished all day, and having caught nothing, I silently rebuked myself for being such a dodo! Untying my boat from a tree limb where it had been moored, I began to drift with the current toward a group of fishermen in boats. As I floated ever closer, I noticed that they were all busily catching fish. Entering into their midst, one of them laconically remarked, “Might as well tie up and catch some crappie.” “Don’t mind if I do,” I rejoined. Not believing my luck, I swiftly tied up again. Sure enough, the crappie, the crème de la crème of Missouri lake-fishing, were biting so hard and fast, I soon ran out of the little bait that I had left! Another fisherman looked up and said, “I’m over my limit. Here, have some of these. I’ll pull you into dock.” True to his word, that fisherman pulled me halfway back to the pier, when the water patrol came along. He passed me off to them. We both were within our 15-fish, legal-sized limit, so the hand-off was without incident and a mutual blessing. The lessons to be drawn from this real-life fishing story are multiple: First, your success is a function of many factors including your own! Second, where the fishermen are, the fish are. Third, respect all limits, because you never know, do you? #30

Monday, August 25, 2014


PREHENSILE PROPAGANDA Propaganda influences humans' thoughts and behaviors profoundly. Unlike animals, whose noses and/or tongues, confirm or reject visual appearances, neither humans' scent, hearing, sight, touch, nor taste, are very effectual against propaganda. Propaganda is cunningly crafted visual, textual, and aural images, rationales, or explanations, that deliberately delimit, "dumb-down," or define, confine, the extraordinary sweep of human perceptions to those sweet confections of prescribed conceptions, repeatedly and purposefully, prepared by wide varieties of propagandists for selective human consumption. Propaganda is resisted, first, by knowledge of its impactful presence; then, by strenuous and continuous efforts to resist its ministrations, by newer knowledge assiduously acquired by study, by comparative communications, and by observation of its affects on the unwary, or the heedless. Such resist its baleful ever-evolving, human-narcotizing taints. Those who do not or cannot resist its prehensile malefactions are prey, wrapped in fine silken webs for later gustation, like a spider's victims. Resist, resist, resist!


Not all change is apparent. Most change is minutely imperceptible. Often, and ironically, much that appears to be change, being so perceived, is not so in fact.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


A reader of letters has cracked the code of knowledge. A reader of nature has cracked the code of the life. A reader of numbers and forms has cracked the code of the universe. A reader of the spirit of: letters, nature, numbers, forms, and of man, has cracked the code of God.


Bloodshed to Watershed Much of war, including America's undeclared race war, is a battle of symbols, owing to war's terribleness. Goliath was symbolic of Philistine strength. He was big; he was strong; he was belligerent. His spear was like a weaver's beam. He alone held off, frightened, terrified, and intimidated the entire army of Israel and of Saul. He cowed them all, until the youngest son of Jesse, who was in the sheepcote during all this bluster, David, emerged to slay that big bully, that behemoth with a sling shot's smooth stone, as he had done previously to a bear and a lion. David then decapitated Goliath with the dead man's own sword. Though but one man died, all of trembling Israel drew sufficient courage from that one man's symbolic defeat of another man, to put the entire Philistine army to rout and to flight! Thereby David demonstrated that his God, our God, was greater than Goliath's God before a great cloud of fearful witnesses, two great armies. Symbols are powerful ! Symbols portend and convey meaning; yet, symbols too may become real! The cross is now such a symbol; symbolic of Jesus Christ's life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Previously, that cross was symbolic of Roman power, brutality, arrogance, and contempt, for its conquered enemies. Rome would crucify victims by the thousands on wooden crosses along the roadsides, as examples, as vengeful boasts! Then, one day, Rome crucified one man too many, one man too many! A Jew, a Nazarene, an obscure country preacher, who had upset his Jewish hierarchy by raising havoc among the people; by scourging the money changers in the temple, and by claiming direct descent from God, was the "one man too many" that Rome crucified on a cross. That cross was thereby converted from a symbol of evil, wickedness and shame to a symbol of good, righteousness and resurrection. Now, this man, Jesus, was nothing pretty to look at. Isaiah 53 says so. It also says that he was despised and rejected. A root out of dry ground. Yet, He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are and were healed. The Lord laid upon him the iniquity, the sin of us all. Like a lamb led to the slaughter he opened not his mouth. Jesus symbolically subsumed all the sin of mankind. His crucifixion being an act of atonement. Symbolic of his yet undying love for us all! Like Jesus, Michael Brown's murder in Ferguson, Missouri, was the "one man too many" that was killed by police. Like Jesus he was nothing pretty to look upon, being young and black and big. He was despised and rejected of men! Like Jesus, he was oppressed, being "a root out of dry ground," in the street. Like Jesus, like a sheep before the slaughter, he opened not his mouth. By his "stripes, Michael Brown's insufferable death, we are healed of our fear of these bullying, boastful and belligerent police, who cow and intimidate us like sheep because they can do so with legal immunity and with paid, professional impunity! Like with Jesus, here there was symbolic bloodshed. Brown's blessed blood flowed symbolically on a street in Ferguson; Jesus' blessed blood flowed on Golgotha hill in Jerusalem. Like with Jesus' death, this is a watershed moment. The brutal crucifier, Rome, centuries later, became the main exponents of the crucifix, and the primary bearers of Christ's name and teachings--Christianity--to the same pagan world to which it formerly belonged. Also, young, 18-year old, Michael Brown's name, life story, image and videos have rocked and are rocking, the United States and the whole world on real 24-hour news media and on 24-hour social media without ceasing! it's a watershed moment! From President Obama and Attorney General Holder, of the greatest power on earth, the United States of America, on down--both being brilliant black men--through Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri, a sagacious white man; including Missouri's entire Congressional delegation; and Capt. Ron Johnson, of the Missouri Highway Patrol, another black man, appointed by Nixon to be in charge on the street, a watershed moment has erupted in Ferguson ! A redefining event has been realized, as all eyes are opened! From bloodshed to watershed. The cruel, boastful, brutal and belligerent Philistines are now on the run. These Romans are bowing down for mercy. More police videos are being shown each day of "unarmed" blacks being brutalized everywhere, or murdered! Grand juries are being empaneled, bad cops are being outed, booted! "It is finished!" One of Jesus' "seven last words," by tradition, applies too. " It is enough" the people cried out, on the news of Brown's death ! They caterwauled! They went berserk: many people, out of rage, burned, looted, marched, hurled , protested, raised their hands in homage to Brown's surrender pose, went to jail, and communicated all day and night! They also prayed! As we all now must pray that old wicked, bullying Goliath is, here too, decapitated, at last, with his own sword, by the David of Justice ; that his Philistines flee, all over America, to the glory of God! From bloodshed to watershed: Amen.

Friday, August 22, 2014

WHO WAS WILLIAM WELLS BROWN? This man's work strongly influenced two other icons' work: Frederick Douglass, a fellow fugitive slave and Mark Twain, a fellow Missourian. Chances are you have never heard of him, much less read his work!

WILLIAM H. REHNQUIST STILL REIGNING FROM THE GRAVE OVER BLACKS' CIVIL RIGHTS From a "reasonable police officer's perspective" is the Rehnquist-era U.S. Supreme Court standard for evaluating Michael Brown's murder by Darren Wilson of the Ferguson, Missouri. Unfortunately a "reasonable black man's perspective" or even a reasonable human being perspective is irrelevant!


"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of the competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of the smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are elected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capital who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.... "The crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated in the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career." P.157-158, IDEAS AND OPINIONS by Albert Einstein (1954, 1982)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


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World-wide American democracy, is being exposed as hardly better than so-called "Sharia-law" of Muslim/Islamists extremists, pertaining to blacks. Both subjugate and vilify and kill. Both, at their roots, represent black slavery and white/Arab mob rule over blacks. Thus, Plato's scorn of such repressive government, advocates, as me, ancient Egypt's 'philosopher-kings' paradigm in his classic, THE REPUBLIC!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


AN EARTHLY GOD? Balance is the basis of life on Earth. Life is balanced by death. Male by female. Inhaling oxygen is balanced by exhaling carbon dioxide. Eating is balanced by expelling. Work and rest balance each other. And so on. Yet, away from Earth, the heavenly bodies do orbit inexorably, ineluctably onward without rest or death; without gender and without food or breath, forever. Why then would our God ever have need for rest; ever grow weary; ever manifest gender or emotion, since God's heavens do not require such? Perhaps, and only perhaps, our God is a God of Earth only, and not of all creation.

Monday, August 18, 2014


THE BONG OF BROTHERHOOD Earlier today, I posted a story on FB which claimed that hemp, marihuana relieved and/or cured the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's. It has just occurred to me that, if true, that wonderful plant might also relieve the country of the deleterious effects racism, fascism, and black inferiority, which are all discrete forms of psychosocial dementia! Reflecting back upon marihuana's glory days in the 1960's and 1970's, it is well known that vast crowds of diverse people used to assemble, freely, without incident, at concerts, demonstrations, athletic events, parks, where they would share that particular drug with complete strangers, without violence or commotion. Though mocked in "Cheech and Chong" movies for its "far-out man" properties and effects; and glamorized for its use by musicians and artists, the fact remains that tens of millions of Americans, including the last 3 Presidents, have "experimented" with marihuana, repeatedly, by their own admission, to assay its medicinal effects! As a public health measure, it is worth soliciting a representative panel of volunteers to experiment with its salubrious impact on the resolution of America's most intractable and compelling mental health problem: white racism and its residual correlate, black inferiority. Of course, politics will figure in, as will economic interests, but let the disputants gather around the bong of brotherhood, a remedy will be found!


COLLOQUY BETWEEN LEARNED COUNSEL REGARDING WHY AND HOW FERGUSON HAS NO BLACK POLITICAL REPRESENTATION, THOUGH 70% BLACK! HERE IS HOW! Awesome! That answers my question! I knew there had to be a gimmick or mechanism of some sort to repress the black vote in a 70% black community! May I share your research on my FB page, for the benefit of my readers? No one else has come up with this fascinating information, respecting the dilution of black vote electoral tactics; which can be remedied, now via DOJ litigation, while the Ferguson Intifada is going on! Sent from my iPhone On Aug 18, 2014, at 10:04 I think it is a cycle. Disparate Over-policing in certain area leads to more unnecessary arrests, fines ( which you can be jailed for) and increased prosecutions lead to jail time /criminal record lead to loss of voting rights and/or can’t be on a jury in many states…kept out of certain employment and education (no expungements in Missouri) due to the criminal record leading to less able to afford to buy a house …. Slave state, couldn’t vote…Redlining…segregated schools….past restrictive covenants… All related. All intentional- imo. “No one collects data on turnout by race in municipal elections. But the overall turnout numbers for Ferguson’s mayoral and city council election are discouraging. This year, just 12.3% of eligible voters cast a ballot, according to numbers provided by the county. In 2013 and 2012, those figures were even lower: 11.7% and 8.9% respectively. As a rule, the lower the turnout, the more the electorate skews white and conservative. Ferguson’s election system may also be a factor. For council elections, the city has three districts, or wards, and each ward elects two members each. That means it’s edging toward an “at-large” voting system, in which there are no districts at all, and all candidates face the whole electorate. Numerous jurisdictions around the country have used such systems to reduce minority representation, since it makes it harder for numerical minorities to elect their preferred candidates. Then there’s the school board. Ferguson shares a board with neighboring Florissant, which is mostly white. And the district uses an at-large system to elect its seven members. The result: Until earlier this year, the board had no black members. Earlier this year, the board ousted the district’s first ever African-American superintendent, Art McCoy a move that triggered protests in the black community. Yet in April, the two white board members who stood for re-election were duly voted back in (an African-American candidate was also elected to replace a retiring member). One of the re-elected whites declared afterward that he saw his victory as vindication in the controversy over McCoy’s ouster. It doesn’t help that Missouri’s city council and school board elections are held in April, rather than in November when they would coincide with state or federal contests. That arrangement leads to lower turnout across the board, but especially among racial minorities. Some southern cities have been accused of deliberately moving their municipal elections to the spring or summer in order to reduce black turnout.” Must watch today’s Democracy Now. (discussed Dred Scott in relation to Ferguson) Please let me know if you find out any other nuggets of information regarding your question. But I think this will change. Everybody is gonna vote now, everybody should get a gun permit for i.d. Have a good day, From: [] Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:54 AM Subject: WHY NO BLACK POLITICAL POWER IN FERGUSON, MISSOURI? WHY NO BLACK POLITICAL POWER IN FERGUSON, MO? A question that keeps nagging me about Ferguson, Missouri , is: "How in the world in 2014 can that city, which is almost 70% black, have so little--negligible--black political power in elective office? What specific electoral mechanisms are triggering this outcome? Is there a real estate ownership requirement? An earned income requirement? An education requirement? A non-criminal record requirement? All of these or something else? What is it? Whatever it is, that mechanism should be an additional focus of the daily demonstrators! They need power; people wise enough to share it, equitably, in every sector of town. I would hate to think that their slave mentalities, laziness, abject stupidity, and lack of initiative are the sole culprits for this power lack. If you know, please let me know?

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Black History photo of the day: Joseph Phillipe Lemercier Laroche, a Haitian engineer educated in France, with his French wife and their children, is the only passenger of known African ancestry who died on the Titanic.

Why no black political power in Ferguson, Missouri?

WHY NO BLACK POLITICAL POWER IN FERGUSON, MO? A question that keeps nagging me about Ferguson, Missouri , is: "How in the world in 2014 can that city, which is almost 70% black, have so little--negligible--black political power in elective office? What specific electoral mechanisms are triggering this outcome? Is there a real estate ownership requirement? An earned income requirement? An education requirement? A non-criminal record requirement? All of these or something else? What is it? Whatever it is, that mechanism should be an additional focus of the daily demonstrators! They need power; people wise enough to share it, equitably, in every sector of town. I would hate to think that their slave mentalities, laziness, abject stupidity, and lack of initiative are the sole culprits for this power lack. If you know, please let me know?

Saturday, August 16, 2014


STUDY BUDDIES OR GROUPS Some years ago, at my law office, I consulted with a young black woman with a Master of Arts degree in sociology from a Kansas university. Thereby, I was surprised to learn that she had never heard of, much less read or studied, Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, the Howard U-educated, first black president of the American Sociological Association, and the author of many now-classic works, including: BLACK BOURGEOISE. I gasped at her gross educational deficiency, then. And still do, now! It is imperative that we form study-buddy groups, in school and out, to help us to grasp the enormity of knowledge and information existing, that is exponentially expanding. Other groups especially Asians, whites, and Jews do this; aggregate to learn and to develop many things. One of my greatest joys as a student at Howard U., was when another classmate and me collaborated, one summer every day, in order to make up a math course in ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS that we had both failed as sophomores. We later obtained B's in that course, from a professor who did not award "A's" to anyone! While we were overjoyed with the B's, we were also saddened by the end of our ritual of daily striving, preparing, comparing, and collaborations, which ended with the course, which had enriched us so much, both materially and spiritually. Find you a study-buddy or study-group for whatever purpose it may serve. You will also be blessed by it. I was. We were.


RACISM'S COROLLARIES Racism and its impacted corollaries are mental health issues of epidemic proportions in America, affecting blacks, whites, and others. Its corollaries include white supremacy and criminality; along with black inferiority and criminality. White supremacist and criminality corollary includes police brutality and murder. Black inferiority and criminality corollary consists of public and private acts of civil disobedience like looting. Elements of both corollaries hate and fear each other as well as themselves; for, protection and camouflage they hide within and infect groups who resemble them, better enabling expression. Neither element is aware of its own corollary status; but all-too-aware of its opposite. As a consequence, entire groups get branded, with the criminal acts of its corollaries. Finding and reforming these corollaries is an essential step in Ferguson and in America.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth, but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, (1 Corinthians 1:26-28 RSV) Little Fergie --Ferguson, Missouri-- has rocked America in accordance with scripture. God chooses and uses as God wills, in ways that God wants!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


THE BIG PAYBACK ! Our federal tax dollars from the abortive "War on Drugs,"from the 1980s forward, which supplemented those from the Omnibus Crime Bill of 1968, have brought this murderous chaos about in Ferguson, Missouri, and elsewhere. Those funds helped to further political efforts to militarize, to deputize, and to desensitize the national law enforcement regime into the vast and venal monstrosity it has developed into since its receipt of those funds to catch "the bad guys!" -- usually black guys! So, those federal taxpayer funds to local and state police must be cut off to rein-in this oppressive apparatus, that is decimating black communities and projecting America's image abroad as the racist and hypocritical police state, which it now is! We routinely seize, forfeit, impound, freeze, and garnish the funds of private persons, charities, companies, and governments, when it suits our national interests. Well, ending police brutality against black Americans certainly suits our national interests, because, not to do so, threatens our national and international interests! The cutting off the hundreds of billions of federal tax dollars to local and state police departments will bring about immediate reform and end brutishness. It will thrust a stake into Dracula's heart! And those annual billions could then be redirected to taxpaying black folks, annually, to compensate them for all the recent and past wrongs that have been done by the federal, state, and local government abuses and sufferings inflicted; indeed, for untold opportunities denied and the too many unwarranted deaths, since 1968 forward! This sublimation of federal tax dollars from the oppressors to the oppressed are those reparations wrongly withheld from blacks since the Civil War, and since the Civil Rights Movement ended in 1968, with the apotheosis of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Flipping these funds is also "the big payback!" of which James Brown sung. "That's what I like, is the big pay back!"--hey hey hey!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Light mediates human perceptions and perspectives, as do the angles of view. Any change to the light and the angle of view alters human perceptions and perspectives, commensurately. Undoubtedly, that is why no one sees anything eye-to-eye with anyone else, always.


Tell it to the NAACP-LDF, SCLC, URBAN LEAGUE, and other rabid colored integrationists, as I vainly tried to do in my 'amicus curiae' (friend of the court) brief filed in 1984 in the famous case, JENKINS V. STATE OF MISSOURI. The federal judges, noted it marginally, implicitly; but, otherwise ignored it in favor of the rabid integrationists' magnet schools and integration-for-its-own-sake schemes. Rather than focusing exclusively upon the actual improvement of black student academic achievement--the avowed, stated reason for that costly, decades-long litigation that failed--they pursued their debilitating societal goals at education's expense, at the children's detriment, to black family and schools' loss! Since then, we have been experiencing the consequences of this hoax upon the public fisc and expectation, that no plaintiffs' counselor will now lay claim to nor admit as erroneous, nor will their clients after tens of billions of dollars have been wasted, dissembling their true aim!

write something worthy

Monday, August 11, 2014


We must fight for the same right to the good life as is enjoyed by white Americans, without ceasing and without compromise! We deserve it. We have earned it. We must claim it. Individually and collectively. Dogmatically. Earnestly. Emphatically. That means being free from police brutality, murder and mayhem. Free from wrongful prosecutions, accusations, and investigations. Free from media mockery and disdain and free from false stereotypes in science, education, health, business, and law. We must make us free. We must press our claim. We must exact our recompense. We are the soul of this nation, which, but for us, would have no soul nor be whole. America owes its existence to us, and to our ancestors, literally and figuratively; so also its dominance and its prominence is attributable to our inconsiderable suffering. America owes us BIG TIME! It knows it. It fears it. It denies it and tries to avoid it. Meanwhile our debt is greater than the national debt and accrues interest as fast. We shall have our remittance. We shall rejoice in our reward. When? I cannot say. How? I do not know. But, as surely as night follows day, soon we shall get our pay. Thus say laws of: reciprocity, karma, thermodynamics, cosmos; indeed law of God.


We, the online community, are at one of our freedom war's multiple fronts right now, on social media! It is one of King David 's five smooth stones! It is energy. It is power! It is life! To heck with Goliath! Fire away using that which you have with which to fight: your keyboard, your intelligence, your zeal, your camera, your knowledge, your eyes and ears, your connections to your friends! Many fronts, many fighters; we are too! Fight the good freedom fight !


BLOOD SPORT How strange! Police kill men (especially unarmed young black men) who have never been charged, tried, convicted or sentenced, for any crime every day, with impunity and paid vacation; yet, the mainstream press' public focus is on the unusual cruelness of the lethal injection process for the far-fewer class of already-convicted prison inmates undergoing condign capital punishment! Excuse me! The MAINSTREAM media focus should be on the first class of victims, more so than the second class of convicts, it would seem; those young, black blood-sport victims, whose peremptory deaths don't seem matter to executives, legislators, judges, prosecutors, legal commentators or the general public, despite the total absence of due process of law, and the undeniable presence of cruel and unusual punishment by paid state agents !

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Intelligence, knowledge and wisdom

intelligence is innate to all life ,even insects, microbes and plants. knowledge is acquired. wisdom is grace. amen.


This was Masonic and was led by Prince Hall. The Free African Society of Philadelphia, also Masonic, which was the precursor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the black Episcopal Church, was founded in 1787 by Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, and others. So mote it be. On this day in 1796, The African Society was formed in Boston, Massachusetts with 44 African American members. Their purpose was to provide a form of health insurance and funeral benefits, as well as spiritual brotherhood, to the members. They created a pamphlet titled “Laws of the African Society” that specified requirements for membership, dues and procedures for paying benefits to the families of sick or deceased members. That pamphlet is on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society. Photo: On this day in 1796, The African Society was formed in Boston, Massachusetts with 44 African American members. Their purpose was to provide a form of health insurance and funeral benefits, as well as spiritual brotherhood, to the members. They created a pamphlet titled “Laws of the African Society” that specified requirements for membership, dues and procedures for paying benefits to the families of sick or deceased members. That pamphlet is on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


BE READY WHEN YOUR TRUMPET SOUNDS Some things will not be hurried nor rushed; cannot be hurried or rushed. Other things cannot be forestalled nor delayed; will not be forestalled nor delayed: by word, prayer or deed. Such things are infinitely beyond our kith, ken, or control. Their rhythms, whether circadian or cosmic or chemical or electrical, are their own, not yours, nor anyone's. Leave them be and prepare yourself. When it is time, when they mature, they will emerge, ripen, rise, manifest. Until then, enjoy your blessed wait, ensconced in your own special rhythm. Your rhythm must cross with their rhythms, in process of time, so don't feign surprise, nor be found wanting. By then, you will have had recurrent notices, from innumerable sources, of the preeminence of this moment. Be ready when your trumpet sounds. Amen.

Annie Malone and Me

As a child, I recall attending the Annie Malone Parade in St. Louis in the 1950's. Entering a tall building that was a beehive of activity, I saw a beautiful woman walking down the hall authoritatively while eating a sandwich. I asked her where could I get a sandwich? She tore hers in half, shared it with me, and kept on smoothly stepping. It was good! Please like and share August 9, 1869 - Annie Minerva Turnbo Malone, inventor, businesswoman and philanthropist, was born in Metropolis, Illinois but raised in Peoria, Illinois. Based on her interest in chemistry and hair care, Malone developed a chemical to straighten hair without causing damage to the hair or scalp which she named Wonderful Hair Grower. In 1902, Malone moved to St. Louis, Missouri where in 1904 she opened her first shop. She also launched an advertising campaign in the Black press, toured the South, and recruited women to sell her products. One of the selling agents she trained was Sarah Breedlove better known as Madam C. J. Walker. By 1914, Malone was worth more than a million dollars and built a five-story multipurpose facility named Poro College. Poro College employed more than 200 people. Malone donated thousands of dollars to the local Black YMCA, Howard University College of Medicine, and the St. Louis Colored Orphans Home where she served as president from 1919 to 1943. The home, which continues to operate, was later renamed the Annie Malone Children and Family Service Center. In 1927, she moved her business to Chicago, Illinois where she bought a an entire city block. Malone died May 10, 1957.

Friday, August 8, 2014


SECRET BACTERIOLOGICAL WAR AGAINST BLACKS? How is it that during the 400 year period of the African slave trade, 1460s-1860s, neither AIDS/HIV, nor the Ebola viruses, had ever appeared either in the Americas or in Europe ; nor anywhere in the Muslim world; but that both now have appeared in the 20th and 21st century in Africa in the wake of African 'independence?' Forgive my suspicious cynicism, but I am more inclined to believe in the malevolence of man, than in the randomness of nature with respect to the present series of pandemics. Which man? I suspect that the associates of certain American white men, who secretly experimented on ignorant and illiterate black men in a Veterans Administration Hospital, in Tuskegee, Alabama, where they were injected with syphilis without their knowledge or consent--and without giving them cures! These same physicians, nurses, and technicians were also in professional privity with those who medically experimented on uneducated black women's gynecology, without their knowledge or consent, and who are and were, in league together, confidential confederates, so to speak. I pray that I am wrong. I pray that these suspicions are unfounded! But, history is often a grim predictor; the past is often prologue. And the largest arsenal of bacteriological agents in the world are housed in the United States of America, accessible to favored government contractors, who are paid to carry out certain secret tasks respecting this arsenal. The common European ailments, like measles, smallpox, influenza, others, which decimated the native Americans, did not destroy the stronger Africans. In fact, the Africans were thought and alleged by Dr. Benjamin Rush, America's leading physician, to be immune to smallpox in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, in 1793, where they were also promised freedom and equality, yet again--as they had been in the Revolutionary War--in exchange for their indispensable services grave-diggers, nurses, laundresses, caregivers to the thousands of besotted whites of that-then plagued, Capitol city. Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, in particular, performed yeomen work, from which the so-called "Founding Fathers," Washington, Jefferson et. al., fled! These equality promises were not kept, of course, even after the city was saved though many Africans, not-inoculated in Africa, also died. Stronger more lethal viruses were needed for these remarkable people, who were invulnerable to slavery, diseases, oppression, deceit, and brutality. In short, experimentation was needed to understand more perfectly this peculiarly powerful African morphology and histology. Into the labs they went, during World War II, with government contracts, pharmaceutical dollars, scholastic covering, and racist, reactionary public policy expressed politically, economically, socially, legally, educationally and penologically. They went to work on those pre-planned societal rejects--black drug users and criminals with their array of infectious, and "curing" regimes. Soon, there was HIV/AIDS, others and now Ebola. I hope and pray that I am wrong in this assessment. In fact, I desperately want to be wrong, rather than to believe that bacteriological warfare is now being purposely waged on black people by certain American white people in secret! Let the inquiries begin in earnest!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


This archetype of "Lady Justice"--America's blind-folded, sword-bearing, scales-wielding icon-- is the Kemetic goddess, Maat, who symbolizes order, beauty, law, justice and balance. If only that were so here, home! Those who live today will die tomorrow, those who die tomorrow will be born again; Those who live by MA'AT will not die....Ancient Egyptian Proverb

The Bible Catalogues and Chronicles; how 'bout us?

The Bible catalogues and chronicles past hurts and triumphs of the ancient Hebrews, as food for ensuing generations who cannot know their history, unless they are taught from this record. Too often blacks keep no record and are spiteful of those who do! Many claim it keeps them stuck in the past. I say its lack keeps them stuck on stupid.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

screenwriting tips

Macon B. Allen, Robert Morris Jr., George B. Vashon and John Mercer Langston---first black American lawyers

Macon B. Allen, George B. Vashon, and Robert Morris, Jr., were all neck-to-neck, with each other in vying for the honor of being the first black attorney in America; all only slightly ahead of John Mercer Langston, who was admitted in Ohio in 1853, and who later founded the Howard University Law School in 1869. August 4, 1816 - Macon Bolling Allen, the first African American to practice law in the United States and the first black Justice of the Peace, was born Allen Macon Bolling in Indiana. Allen grew up a free man and learned to read and write on his own. In the early 1840s, he moved to Portland, Maine. After passing the State of Maine bar exam and earning his recommendation, he was given his license to practice law July 3, 1844. However, because white people were unwilling to have a black man represent them in court, in 1845 Allen moved to Boston, Massachusetts. Allen passed the Massachusetts bar exam that year and he and Robert Morris, Jr. opened the first black law office in the U.S. In 1848, Allen passed another exam to become Justice of the Peace for Middlesex County. After the Civil War, Allen moved to Charleston, South Carolina and in 1873 was appointed Judge in the Inferior Court of Charleston. The next year, he was elected Judge Probate for Charleston County. Later, Allen moved to Washington, D.C. where he worked as an attorney for the Land and Improvement Association. Allen practiced law until his death June 11, 1894. The New York Bar Association and a civil rights clinic in Boston are named in his honor.


PROVE GOD'S POWER The Bible admonishes proof of God's glorious power in human lives. These proofs were demonstrated by Jesus Christ in miracle after miracle and in parable after parable, during his lifetime; and most emphatically in his iconic crucifixion and resurrection. The enthusiastic, early Christians' many thousands of blissful, joyful martyrdoms for the cause of Christ in the Roman Coliseum transmogrified, mesmerized, scandalized, and proselytized that ruthless, pagan, sanguinary conqueror, Rome, to the mystical and redeeming power of "the Way" of God: transforming Rome from world pagan to world Prelate That's proof! The braving of bullets, billy clubs, police-dogs, water-hoses, bombs, and lynchings by scores of black and white martyrs and soldiers proved to the doubting and disbelieving blacks, whites, sheriffs' deputies, politicians, and bushwhackers, that the "Way of God" still worked in the 1950's and '60s, as these modern Christian soldiers overcame ubiquitous segregation and voting discrimination in the "Solid South." That too was proof! Now, as before, the followers of the Way, of Jesus Christ, must lead the way, by irrefragable proofs, that yet there abides the power of the living God to effect deliverance from the last remaining barrier of economic oppression in order to set the people free indeed, through faith and works. From ancient to modern the proof is irrefutable that the true followers of "the Way" can do more than believe, more than praise, more than preach, and can do more than pray; they can deliver proofs that God rules and super-rules in the Earth, by effecting deliverance from oppression like before, as before, as heretofore. "Prove me now herewith" says Malachi 3:10. To which I say "right on the Way! Stay on the Way!" Right on!