Sunday, May 18, 2014


HOW TO UNRING THE BELL Instant Communications, via the Internet and cell-phones, with images, graphics, voice, data, and videos, have revolutionized the world and empowered each person on Earth. Either freely, or inexpensively, on an unprecedented plane, in the billions, individuals have been empowered: person-to-person, nation-to-nation, interest group-to-interest group. These extraordinary, scientific and technological, communications capacities, formerly the exclusive province of science-fiction writers, governments, or of wealthy secret cabals, have transformed the planet in too many ways to enumerate! They have, quite literally, knitted together humanity, even as they have transformed the globe for good! How to "unring" this ominous bell is now what those previously-secure nations and nabobs; mullahs and moguls; mavens and manipulators seek, desperately, to do, singly or jointly, either by regulatory means; or, legislatively, judicially, financially, commercially, educationally, culturally, or militarily. They all feverishly strive, against this ever-quickening human tide, lest they lose their wealth, power and positions to an uncertain emergent destiny beyond their control. How to unring the bell? How to "unring the bell" before the global citizenry becomes aware of the full scope of its new power that it now possesses, unwittingly to: communicate, commiserate, plan, act; to collaborate, to trade, to rehabilitate, to resuscitate, to create, to dissemble, to study, to build, to raise and to spend funds. With the God of Genesis 11, the world's rulers also wonder aloud in comments canonically imputed to the Creator: "7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” 8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city." How to "unring the bell" ranks up there with how to reverse the sunshine or the rain or the rotation or the revolution of the Earth! The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on.... It is much too late! What is done, is done. The bell tolls. For whom does the bell toll? It tolls for thee.