Saturday, April 12, 2014


ORIGINAL AFRICAN STOCK: PRIMAL AND PRIMARY IN AMERICAN SURVIVAL Our faith in God sustained our African American forefathers and foremothers. Their worship style; their values and musicology; and those early black preachers, like David Walker and Nat Turner (whose powerful efficacy resulted in them being "outlawed" by many states' laws, along with any education of slaves in literacy and numeracy). Such preachers preached the Bible from its inside out, rather than from its outside in, contributed greatly, to black mental health! As did their blues, dancing, cooking, fighting, marrying, self-help, storytelling and perpetuating folk medicinal knowledge acquired from plants and fellow practitioners. There are and were many sources of our strength, as a people. But, the underlying substratum, itself, the original African stock, is primal and primary. So, while others succumb, we continue to come and come and come again despite racist and capitalist stressors!