Thursday, June 20, 2013

final excerpt: Benny Mays

This morning, I finished reading a masterpiece, Randal Maurice Jelks' BENJAMIN ELIJAH MAYS: SCHOOLMASTER OF THE MOVEMENT, A BIOGRAPHY (U. North Carolina Press, 2012), p.247. It is only fitting that I say farewell with this final excerpt:

"People can be academically competent and yet completely lacking in morality and spiritual preparation," he observed. Referring to a handful of infamous historical figures--Herod the Great, Nero, Napoleon, and Hitler--he cautioned his audience to remember, "These were well-trained men. But they had no morality, no spirituality." Academic preparation alone was not enough. Black people, he argued, "must bring morality and spirituality to America. I doubt if the White community can... With exasperation, he proclaimed: "Why should White people care if in the next century or two the Black race is completely blotted out because of their affliction? The race problem could be solved without dropping bombs. I am convinced if this were the White race in this predicament, the President of the United States would be working on it, all Congress would be concerned, all business people in the United States would be spending their monies to alleviate the situation. Budgets balanced or not, Congress would shell out the money."