Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Deconstructing a triple tragedy: KC'S Javon Belcher Mystery


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman



The murder-suicide of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker, Javon Belcher, has left more questions than answers. Its motive remains a mystery, dying with Kassandra Perkins, Belcher’s 22-year old, live-in girlfriend, and with 25-year old Belcher, himself.

Even so, certain lessons leap out from the few known facts.

First, their “live-in” domestic status was doubtless contributory. Javon’s mother had “visited” from New York to assist in carrying for their 3-month old daughter, now cruelly orphaned.  

Marriage with its expectations, conventions, duties and reciprocal obligations, beats live-in hands-down! That is lesson #1 as we move through this tragedy’s sad deconstruction.

Second, the baby, while blessed by God with birth, is now cursed by man in life with orphanage. Bottom line: defer child-bearing ladies, until he has “put a ring on it” as Beyonce sings famously! That protects the baby and you, precluding questions pertinent to paternity etc. So, lesson #2 is don’t have a baby until after you’re married “with papers” i.e., legally, under law.

Thirdly,  the KC Star newspaper article linked above reports that Kassandra Perkins had gone out to a concert, and afterwards had gone for drinks with her friends, arriving home “late,” in Belcher’s estimation. He, himself, had reportedly gone partying downtown and was later found by police asleep in his car on a mid-town street, Armour Blvd.

The point made here is that separate social agendas strain and imperil relationships to the breaking point,  especially live-in relationships! So, lesson #3 whether married or not: if you are living in, at least do things together as a couple, to thwart distrust or insincerity from arising.

There may be points others could add to this list. Many couples across America are “living-in” under circumstances not too dissimilar from Belcher’s and Perkins’. Ideally, they, too, will draw instruction from this all-too-hasty deconstruction and amend their lives together, accordingly.
